Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves: The Road to Neverwinter by Jaleigh Johnson is a thrilling tie-in novel to the upcoming movie and is set in the beloved Forgotten Realms. The book features the exciting exploits of Edgin the bard, Holga the barbarian, Forge Fitzwilliam the rogue, and Edgin's daughter Kira. The narrative is a delightful mix of combat and conversation, carefully crafted plans, and unexpected surprises that make it a satisfying read for Dungeons & Dragons fans.
The author has successfully captured the essence of Dungeons & Dragons, rooting the narrative's action in real D&D concepts while introducing ample D&D beasties that will delight in-the-know readers. However, Johnson also does an excellent job of providing enough exposition to fill in those who are new to the Forgotten Realms. The characters are archetypes that play against type, which adds even more depth to the story.
The novel's central plot revolves around a daring heist at the estate of an eccentric dragonborn wizard that involves everything from costumes and forged invitations to potions and Slippers of Spider Climbing. The introduction of Chekhov's Beholder only adds to the excitement and tension, making the book a page-turner.
Overall, The Road to Neverwinter is a fantastic read that truly captures the essence of Dungeons & Dragons. It has me eagerly anticipating the release of the Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves movie. Jaleigh Johnson has done an excellent job of bringing this story to life, making it clear that she understands the assignment.