In just a few months, a new Dungeons and Dragons movie will be released, titled Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves. There has been other D&D movies before, but from what I can see in the trailer, this movie may just finally capture the essence of Dungeons and Dragons.
With Chris Pratt as the lead actor, this movie has me even more excited. He is actually playing a Bard, which is very interesting to me as this is my favorite D&D class to play!
The Dungeons & Dragons has become very popular since I first became interested in D&D when the 3.0 and soon later 3.5 editions were released back on the early 2000's.
Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves is actually set in the Forgotten Realms! I look forward seeing the movies depiction of the setting, and to see how it compares to the image I have from reading the novels and campaign settings!
On top of the movie release, there have been two new novel tie-ins announced (also set in the Forgotten Realms); Including the Druid's Call by E.K. Johnston and The Road to Neverwinter by Jaleigh Johnston. Hopefully these novels will sell well, as to encourage WOTC to release more new novels set in the Forgotten Realms.