Monday, September 30, 2019

Boundless by R.A. Salvatore: Review

 Boundless by was just released by the famed author R.A. Salvatore. This is number 2 or 3 in the Generations series.

Once again the novel is split between what is happening in the present time, and in the past. The common element is that Drizzt's father is alive in both settings, as he was newly returned from the dead.

This novel might be considered the "Empire Strikes Back" in the series. Enemies became extremely powerful versus our heroes. 

Armies of power demons assaulted many cities including Gauntylgrym and Luskan. 

A new and strong faction of Drow emerges. And the Drow of Menzoberranzan are all but forced to attack the cities these cities. 

And on top of that of these these enemies, two giant indestructible spider constructs target both Drizzt and his father!

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Forgotten Realms in 2019

I have been an avid fan of Forgotten Realms novels for many years, but the series had ran into some significant issues in the last lately.

 Forgotten Realms is a shared world, with many different authors contributing to it. Authors may want to move the story in different directions in a shared world. This was previously manageable in the Forgotten Realms because each author is focusing on a specific area of the shared world, so an overlap maybe unlikely.

This changed however in the transition from 3rd edition to 4th edition. The world of Aber-Toril was dramatically changed. Entire nations were instantly wiped out, or suddenly appeared, as part of Aber and Toril swapped places, new races appeared such as the Dragonborn, and the ancient Nethril Empire re-appeared.

Today Dungeons and Dragons has now entered the 5th Edition, but the current timeline has now been well established. A Forgotten Realms campaign setting has not been published, and very few authors are contributing new novels.

The best and most significant Forgotten Realms author, R.A. Salvatore is however still writing Forgotten Realms novels, thankfully. Salvatore has written many books in the Forgotten realms series usually starring the unusually good dark elf  Drizzt Do'Urden. I have read the entire Drizzt Series. It is remarkable for world building, amazingly described combat, and humor.

The 2nd part of the current novel series involving Drizzt, Boundless will be releasing in September 2019. Here s something to look forward to.